Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Electroliquid Aggregation

"I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Doolittle."

Jane Goodall

"I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars."

Stephen Hawking

"I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, we are able to want to do achieve something that is almost impossible and make this miracle happen"

Electroliquid Aggregation

Duncan Chang

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ARCH 1101 - First use of UT2004 editor

This is my first attempt at using UT2004 editor to create a map...

Duncan Chang

Saturday, April 19, 2008

ARCH 1101 - 3D axonometrics sketches

(1)The shape represents an outline of a monkey showing Jane’s Passion for the primate’s community. The prism also shows the relationship between Jane and the Monkey.

(2)The idea of a cube on top of another shows heart of the prism being taken out and placed on another prism. That refers to the care and devotion Jane has towards the monkey community that she would take out her heart for them.

(3)The image of a big cube covering the small cube represents how Jane protects the monkey and their community.

(4)Again this prism symbolises protection and cover and that the bigger prism (Jane) is helping the primate society.

(5)The prism shows support. That refers the support Jane provides to the monkey society and how they can survive and stand due to her support.

(6)The extreme prism hanging with the support suggests that monkeys can go to the limits if Jane is there to help. If there is support anything can be achieved among the monkeys.

(7)The central pole in this prism shows the tree trunk with the monkeys on the side. It can also show the monkeys embracing Jane as one of their own.

(8)These steps of prisms show the idea on how humans must take the next step towards space travel.

(9)A central support on this prism again symbolises Jane and the slates mean primates, which appear as part of her family.

(10)This is a shape of a chair. It refers to Hawking’s chair and symbolises to the seat to the galaxy through space travel.

(11)The wall with two cubes on either side shows the difficulty we must pass in order to reach the other side. ( that is space travel)

(12)The partially cut out cube shows that there are still holes in the society that Jane loves and that more people must follow her lead and learn to love animals.

(13)The image of a gate shows that we must first pass the gate of knowledge in order to get into the future.

(14)The prisms look like building blocks. That shows in order to get to the top of space travel we must first have the foundations.

(15)The prisms stack up and look as if it is almost falling apart. That shows the road to space travel will be hard a dangerous.

(16)The structure looks as if it is going to fall apart. Space travel will be like that therefore we will need to find a way to hold it together in order to step into the future.

(17)The ambiguity of the shape also refers to the ambiguity of space travel. I will require lots of thinking and researching in order for us as humans to get to that stage.

(18)The linking of the prisms show that everything is linked in some way. Space travel in this matter will lead us to new worlds and new explorations.

Duncan Chang

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Experiment Two Cilent's Quotes

Jane Godall

"I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Doolittle."

Florence Nightingale

"To have no food for our heads no food for our hearts, no food for our activity, is that nothing?"

Stephen Hawking

"I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars."

Duncan Chang

Sunday, April 13, 2008

ARCH 1101 - My Model on 3D Warehouse

Final Post for ARCH 1101 Experiment 1 2008

Special thanks to Classmates, Friends and Tutors for their support and help.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Cross Sections of the Model

These are some cross-section screenshot of my structure...

Duncan Chang

Saturday, April 12, 2008

ARCH 1101 - EXP1 2008 Animation 3

Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u2lNRjvqzs

ARCH 1101 - EXP1 2008 Animation 2

Youtube Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kstovg3iNGg

ARCH 1101 - EXP1 2008 Animation 1

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUxNS_QlrhU

ARCH 1101 - Storyboard sequence

I choose 3 sequences for the animations

animation 1
sketch 2 -> 3 -> 7

animation 2
sketch 8 -> 4 -> 5

animation 3
sketch 6 -> 8

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Paragraph about artworks and materials...

On your blog write a paragraph (approximately 120 words) for each of the two artists describing the materials and production methods used in the examples of their work you have chosen (e.g. what materials is Patricia Piccinini's "The Young Family" made out of and how would she have made it?).

Sidney Nolan's artwork is a oil painting based on the "outback" of Australia. The hot colours that he incorporated into his painting was to emphasise the heat and the dryness of central Australia. I used this idea to create the underground section of my structure. The underground gallery and studio will constructed using re-inforced concrete to create the shapes of the hanging Stalactites. The cavernous rocky surface emphasise the sense of dryness however instead of the heat of the outback I contrasted it with the glass on the walls. The glass in the underground cavern was suppose to be facing into the rocky wall faces around the studio however for display purposes so far the glass still see into the open. Piccinini's Nest I see flow due to the smooth and sleak surface of the models she made. I used the idea of flow to construct streamlined stairs in order to show continuity (i.e. flow). The materials I will use for the stairs are re-inforced concrete, glass, wood and steel rods. The concrete can be moulded into different shapes and in this case it will be made into a curved smooth shape to convey the meaning. The glass and wood will be built into the stairs. The glass will be opaque to ensure safety also the wood used will be hardwood which will also ensure the safety for the cilents. Steel rods are present for support and also gives the stairs a suspension bridge look. The idea of the similarity between the bridge and the stairs will comfort the cilents due to it safety measures and will also be artistic at the same time. The material involved in this structure is very simple so that construction will be easy and also it will be safe for all who used the facilities.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Model development (introduction of mid-underground gallery)

New floor from outside of the structure

The entrance to the new gallery floor

The stairs between the studio and the gallery

I created a new gallery floor so that there will be more space to display the client's artworks.

Duncan Chang

Friday, April 11, 2008

A picture will tell a thousand words ... literally (Side Post)

Artworks that tell you what is in the sketch...

Duncan Chang

Mass Production of Stair in Dubai (Side Post)




.... OF STAIRS...

Duncan Chang

Interesting Artworks (Side post)

Arctic in streets

Puddle in the streets

Free computer in the streets

Insect repellent advertisement in the streets

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Storyboard sketches