Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Final UT model Elevators

Final google sketchup screenshot. This will be my final post for EXP 3 and semester 1 2008. Everyone who is from architecture UNSW enjoy your holidays and party hard. Take care all...
And a special thanks to Tam who helped us get through this course with great fun...
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - EXP 3 Final Map







Thanks to all classmates and tutors who helped me with this experiment.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Final Image Capture for EXP 3

The Elevator balcony represents the idea of power because it allows Steve Jobs to witness what is going on all around him. The giant shinning apple on the balcony is a symbol of power and acts like a trophy. It suggest his dominance in the world.

The Versace Party hall conveys the idea of power through it luxurious touch and its size. The hall is decorated with many chrome textures in order for the hall to light up and illuminate the space. It is a direct reference to glamorous with jewelery like textures and obviously the size of the hall shows it her power through dominance and blanket control.

The atrium with the high rise walkway shows Job's power through the factor of height and space. The walkway is like a path across is kingdom towards his office. Therefore everytime he walks to his office the idea of rule and control over his kingdom is suggested. On top of that everytime he walks to his office he will see it therefore repetition will enforce this idea even further.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Final UT model with textures

The texture I used here is emphasisng the flowing movement. The reason for it was beacause it is dining table for their meals they will discuss business issues to bring movement into the market so that the economy and flow and grow between the two clients.

In Steve Jobs corridor to his room I used a linear texture to show that his line of work. It is with the apple corporation and that was how he made his name and gained his power.

This is Versace's elevator hall and I again used the linear texture to show that Versace simply gain her power through her brother through the famous branded company.

Duncan Chang

Sunday, June 15, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Versace Party Hall)

These are screenshots of the Versace party hall. It is decorated with very vibrant and shiny textures to show the liveliness and to symbolise the party atmosphere as that is all part of Versace's life and power. The stairs rolls down like a red carpet and the chandeliers demonstrate the luxourious life bethind the celebrities life.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Versace Elevator Final

The elevator is based on the Versace logo with the circular shape. It is also circular to demonstrate how much of an all rounder Versace is as she works for the company and on the contorary part of the business she also socialises herself with the high rollers of the modern celebrity world in order to promote her luxurious brand of clothing and goods.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model ( Versace Party Hall)

The idea behind the hall is to make everything as fashionable as possible. The specially choosen texture was to demonstrate the richness involved in the space. The lighting also shows the party like atmosphere with bright light all around to give it a fashionable heavenly like look to it.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Versace Staircase)

The staircase I designed here is based on around the elevator shaft. The elevator will move along the cylinderical beam while the stair circular around it. It is to show the parallelism in movement. Many people go around and around to find their career and way to power however Versace is pretty much given the power from his parents and brother. She inherted the company and that lead her straight to the high roller section where she dominated the market with a very firm base from her parents and brother.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Versace Party Hall)

The shinny floor surface is used to convey the idea of money and jewels. Im trying to create a jewel box like atmosphere to show her power and elegance through her wealth and dominance in the fashion industry.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Dinning Table (Final)

The Arch over the dining table symbolises the unity of the two greats power of our time. It also represents the flow of power from one client to another and how once joined their power could be limitless and total domination is achievable.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of Dining Table

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Steve Jobs Staircase and Balcony)

The central glass pillar is used to symbolise how glamarous design of the apple company was able to win customer therefore power. The use of glass were makes the objects look like the vibrant white apple products. The balcony is also a platform where Steve Jobs will view and survey the market in order to ensure his dominance.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Steve Jobs Staircase)

Duncan Chang

Thursday, June 12, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Brainstorms for Dining Tables

The brainstormed a few dining table through the idea of unity therefore something combining the two side of the table and then i move of to power with solid shapes and bulky features.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Alterations of space 1 )

Spotlight under the meeting space shows elegance and power. The textures will create lighting for the dining table that is due to be placed in the area provided.

The glass beam is in place for the staircase to show elegance and power. The reference of white glass like texture refers to apple products.

The construction of the hallway to allow jobs to enter the dining area via foot.

The new monumental looking exterior of the Jobs palace.

Power could lead to dogey things. Jobs office was a bit to transparent so I though he probally wont be as transparent as he seems. I bridged the glass panels and inserted a skylight.

Duncan Chang