Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Atrium)

The Atrium of the Steve Jobs area and the meeting space shows power by using the vast amount of space. The tall ceiling that will extend for 3 floors will show the grandness of the cilent and demonstrating his ability to rise to the top and dominate all in his path.

The corridors are rendered with stone texture. Stone/Rock is a hard building material which represent the strength of the cilent. Therefore the idea of strength and support could be extracted from the material within the space.

The screenshot is showing what could be seen from the platform in the atrium. The meeting space could be seen from the walkway showing dominance over the area. The high walkway in the real life will also prove intimidating for people. The height and the idea of fear will show that Steve Jobs is to be fear due to his powers.
Duncan Chang

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