Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ARCH 1101 - One point perspective sketches

Rigid - The stacking of prism represent the rigid property that the prism will have after reinforcement.

Everlasting - The idea of everlasting came from the idea that the prism seems to drag on forever and that it will have no ending point. Everlasting could relate to power in many ways.

Pride - The angle shows that the prism is stepping forward showing pride and courage which then obviously leads onto power.

Energetic - Energy is equal to power and this shapes conveys this idea because of its irregular balance. The bar pointing out towards the left shows that it has an abundance of energy therefore it will be able to support such weight.

Lively - The view from under the shape suggests the idea that the prism is alive and is jumping and in mid-air. Liveliness is a source of energy and power.

High - The shot was looking around eye-level to the prism which shows that it is tall and the sudden change of the bar sticking out shows that the shape is able to challenge the idea of balance.

Intelligence - The tall structure standing refers to a teacher giving a lecture. Shows knowledge and wisdom which then forwards to power.

Desire - The prism gradually fades into the right hand-side vanishing point showing a path of what the prism is heading towards and then referring back to the other prism intelligence was what the prism meant therefore the path to intelligence will result in desire. Desire is power because desire could lead to unimaginable makings.

Imagination - The tall prism represents the thought of a person flying sky-high to thinking about what people have never thought about before. Imagination will lead to the construction of unimaginable things which when constructed will symbolize power.

Superiority - The prism stands tall and dominates all around and the tall peaks relates to peaks of medieval castles with tall towers where people can overlook the massive kingdom below.

Plentiful - Witnessing the prism from a different angle could change the image a lot. From this angle it will seems like that there is a lot of space involved in the prism when one has plentiful of a certain resource it will lead to power.

Abundance - Again similar to Plentiful. The more one has the more powerful one gets.

Strength - The building of crosses one on top of another shows strength and the ability to building upwards. Strength directly relates to power.

Support - The ability to build upwards means there must be support of someway involved. Support one and another will lead to power as a group.

Monumental - Like a tall building with cutting edge design will definitely lead people to think it is monumental. The Pyramids of Egypt shows power because it is seen as a monumental strucuture.

Complex - The complexity of the prism will represent the detail that went into the prism. Complexity also shows uniqueness therefore power.

Potential - The many bars sticking out shows that it is still expanding into something more greater. If one has potential it will come to power.

Domination - The tall structure over-looking the over prisms shows domination and power.

Duncan Chang

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