Monday, May 19, 2008

Case Study : Umeric (Australia)

Another designer that I would like to take into account is Umeric.

"Umeric is the studio of Director Ash Bolland and Designer/Art Director Von Dekker. Their work is primarily based in the fields of commercials, filmmaking, design and music videos.

Established in 2001, they consider themselves lucky to be able to collaborate with clients who have allowed them to put the creative process first; understanding that this allows the development of inventive, fresh and beautiful work that hopefully contains meaning beyond its intended use.

Umeric was involved in packaging the 2006 ‘MTV Australia Video Music Awards’. Using the concept of 'Audio Creatures', Umeric directed and created the event opener, category sequences, identity and typeface. The project combined live-action shot in and around Sydney, with 3D animated creatures pulsating in time to surreal percussion and electronic audio.

Umeric’s most recent project was for MTV London. Ash was asked to write and direct two commercials for the HP sponsored show ‘Meet or Delete’ which airs in Europe. An innovative mix of live-action, 3D and prosthetics were used to create dark, surreal and surprising commercials to promote the show.

Their work has been featured/recognised internationally in magazines, websites and books published in Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK, France, Spain, Germany, USA, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Umeric [meaning made for you] puts the creative first and foremost, with the primary goal of creating inventive, beautiful work."

The style of Umeric design is involving movement in buildings like what was shown the the lecture. I can only find some of their design on youtube and their website is under maintaince therefore I could not show the work featuring the moving buidlings.

One which I would of shown is the sea creature structure can how the move through music. I managed to get some images however it doesnt represent the real movement and sound involved in the creatures. But there is a link to a short preview of one.

Here are some one of the ads produced by Umeric & a video clip of some of the work Umeric has produced since their debut in 2001.

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