Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Experiment Three Texture

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Steve Jobs Elevator (Final)

My final Steve Jobs elevator acts like a floating balcony for Steve Jobs to see his kingdom in his field. The walls with the stairs symbolise the fact that he need to pass rough times to get to his power position now. It also makes the entrace onto the balcony for dramatic showing his view of the world and the market.
Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Elevator Access)

The glass column is used to present the elevator. The light from the sun will shine on the glass and make it glow so that it will be visible from afar.

The elevator is at the platform where the cilents will be able to board the elevator.

Side alley look out. The balcony here is used to symbolise that behind all light and power of Steve Jobs and his apple firm there was also a time where there are hardships and difficulties he had to come through with. These difficulties happened when his firm was "over-shadowed" by Microsoft. The light is blocked out by the elevator here which shows that that development to the future and power. In this case the halo on the elevator will represent the path to power for Steve Jobs with his firm.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Development of UT model (Atrium)

The Atrium of the Steve Jobs area and the meeting space shows power by using the vast amount of space. The tall ceiling that will extend for 3 floors will show the grandness of the cilent and demonstrating his ability to rise to the top and dominate all in his path.

The corridors are rendered with stone texture. Stone/Rock is a hard building material which represent the strength of the cilent. Therefore the idea of strength and support could be extracted from the material within the space.

The screenshot is showing what could be seen from the platform in the atrium. The meeting space could be seen from the walkway showing dominance over the area. The high walkway in the real life will also prove intimidating for people. The height and the idea of fear will show that Steve Jobs is to be fear due to his powers.
Duncan Chang

Friday, May 23, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Steve Jobs Elevator (Development)

Development of the original elevator. Now it includes at platform in front so the people will be able to view the scenery while the elevator is traveling. (The texture applied is just test wise... final texture could vary)

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - Steve Jobs Elevator (Brainstorm)

The elevator refers to a capsule. It is also representing a platform where a powerful leader will stand to view his/her work or power.

Duncan Chang

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Two Point perspectives (charcoal sketch)

A 2 point perspective charcoal sketch of the Red Centre
Duncan Chang

Case Study : Umeric (Australia)

Another designer that I would like to take into account is Umeric.

"Umeric is the studio of Director Ash Bolland and Designer/Art Director Von Dekker. Their work is primarily based in the fields of commercials, filmmaking, design and music videos.

Established in 2001, they consider themselves lucky to be able to collaborate with clients who have allowed them to put the creative process first; understanding that this allows the development of inventive, fresh and beautiful work that hopefully contains meaning beyond its intended use.

Umeric was involved in packaging the 2006 ‘MTV Australia Video Music Awards’. Using the concept of 'Audio Creatures', Umeric directed and created the event opener, category sequences, identity and typeface. The project combined live-action shot in and around Sydney, with 3D animated creatures pulsating in time to surreal percussion and electronic audio.

Umeric’s most recent project was for MTV London. Ash was asked to write and direct two commercials for the HP sponsored show ‘Meet or Delete’ which airs in Europe. An innovative mix of live-action, 3D and prosthetics were used to create dark, surreal and surprising commercials to promote the show.

Their work has been featured/recognised internationally in magazines, websites and books published in Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK, France, Spain, Germany, USA, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Umeric [meaning made for you] puts the creative first and foremost, with the primary goal of creating inventive, beautiful work."

The style of Umeric design is involving movement in buildings like what was shown the the lecture. I can only find some of their design on youtube and their website is under maintaince therefore I could not show the work featuring the moving buidlings.

One which I would of shown is the sea creature structure can how the move through music. I managed to get some images however it doesnt represent the real movement and sound involved in the creatures. But there is a link to a short preview of one.


Here are some one of the ads produced by Umeric & a video clip of some of the work Umeric has produced since their debut in 2001.


Case Study : United Visual Artist (UK) a.k.a. UVA

After the lecture where russell was talking about how building in the future will move with human action it reminded me of a similar saying that I heard at the semi-permanent design conference back in Auckland in 2007. They work mostly with the relationship between human movement and lighting. Here are some examples...



"London-based United Visual Artists work with LED, traditional lighting and projection technologies as sculptural elements, with their bespoke software approach allowing them to use existing technologies in new and unusual ways.

UVA's approach combines three disciplines, art direction, production design and software engineering. Their philosophy is to tightly integrate these elements to deliver real-time, immersive and responsive experiences. A team of eight, they aim to work on a diverse and expanding range of projects, drawn from the commercial and non-commercial arenas, and to collaborate with a wide range of artists and companies.

A lot of their work is in the music arena, providing environmental graphics, lighting and video backdrops and live content for U2’s Vertigo, Basement Jaxx and Massive Attack World Tours, the MTV European Music Awards, videos for the Artic Monkeys and Kylie Minogue. Other recent projects include collaboration on a live performance piece ‘Echo’ at the Tate Modern, an interactive audio-visual installation ‘Volume’ presented by the Victoria & Albert Museum and Playstation, a graphic rhythmic video backdrop for Prada/The Kills event Fashion Rocks! and the BMW 1 Series Launch.

UVA have also been performing their own show ‘UVA Live’ since 2005, performing in Buenos Aires, Singapore, Tokyo, Taipei, Moscow, The Hague, Barcelona and at the ICA in London."

Reference: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU0705/S00018.htm

Official Website -

Youtube Channel website - http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=UnitedVisualArtists&p=r

Duncan Chang

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Primary UT Construction of Prisms

Primary Sketches:Primary UT Models:

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - One point perspective sketches

Rigid - The stacking of prism represent the rigid property that the prism will have after reinforcement.

Everlasting - The idea of everlasting came from the idea that the prism seems to drag on forever and that it will have no ending point. Everlasting could relate to power in many ways.

Pride - The angle shows that the prism is stepping forward showing pride and courage which then obviously leads onto power.

Energetic - Energy is equal to power and this shapes conveys this idea because of its irregular balance. The bar pointing out towards the left shows that it has an abundance of energy therefore it will be able to support such weight.

Lively - The view from under the shape suggests the idea that the prism is alive and is jumping and in mid-air. Liveliness is a source of energy and power.

High - The shot was looking around eye-level to the prism which shows that it is tall and the sudden change of the bar sticking out shows that the shape is able to challenge the idea of balance.

Intelligence - The tall structure standing refers to a teacher giving a lecture. Shows knowledge and wisdom which then forwards to power.

Desire - The prism gradually fades into the right hand-side vanishing point showing a path of what the prism is heading towards and then referring back to the other prism intelligence was what the prism meant therefore the path to intelligence will result in desire. Desire is power because desire could lead to unimaginable makings.

Imagination - The tall prism represents the thought of a person flying sky-high to thinking about what people have never thought about before. Imagination will lead to the construction of unimaginable things which when constructed will symbolize power.

Superiority - The prism stands tall and dominates all around and the tall peaks relates to peaks of medieval castles with tall towers where people can overlook the massive kingdom below.

Plentiful - Witnessing the prism from a different angle could change the image a lot. From this angle it will seems like that there is a lot of space involved in the prism when one has plentiful of a certain resource it will lead to power.

Abundance - Again similar to Plentiful. The more one has the more powerful one gets.

Strength - The building of crosses one on top of another shows strength and the ability to building upwards. Strength directly relates to power.

Support - The ability to build upwards means there must be support of someway involved. Support one and another will lead to power as a group.

Monumental - Like a tall building with cutting edge design will definitely lead people to think it is monumental. The Pyramids of Egypt shows power because it is seen as a monumental strucuture.

Complex - The complexity of the prism will represent the detail that went into the prism. Complexity also shows uniqueness therefore power.

Potential - The many bars sticking out shows that it is still expanding into something more greater. If one has potential it will come to power.

Domination - The tall structure over-looking the over prisms shows domination and power.

Duncan Chang

ARCH 1101 - One point perspectives (trial)

Duncan Chang

Monday, May 12, 2008

ARCH 1101 - Mash Up

Find a seperate news article for each of the three clients. Create a MashUp that selects text from each of the articles and combines them in such a way as to suggest a distinctive and significant approach to the idea of power. Use a miximum of 250 words. Make the words from each article a different colour on your blog. Include complete references.

Donatella Versace, Steve Jobs , Zhang Yin

Donatella Versace is great at playing the countercultural icon. She’s a college dropout who once backpacked around India looking for spiritual enlightenment, and she takes only $1 a year in salary. The eldest of eight children in a poor soldier's family in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Donatella Versace learnt independence at an early age by looking after her brothers and sisters. But don't let the black mock turtleneck and denim trousers fool you. More than anything else, She started her career in waste paper trading in Hong Kong.

Ms. Versace would know, having been the proud owner of a Dodge Caravan minivan, begging garbage dumps to give them their scrap paper, Ms. Versace sticks to her guns even when Working with design geeks.

But a decade as a college dropout Donatella Versace may be a celebrity CEO. Except, of course, when Donatella Versace and her husband were driving around the United States. Versace would know, having been the proud owner of a vast set of matched pink leather luggage. Like Mary’s little lamb, it went everywhere she did, which must have prompted at least one fellow traveler to think waste paper from the United States and Europe, ship it to China and recycle it into corrugated cardboard, which is then used for boxes that are packed with toys, electronics and furniture that are stamped "Made in China" and then often shipped right back across the ocean to Western consumers.

In case you were wondering, she doesn’t pack or unpack herself, all part of the magic of being Donatella Versace.

Over the years, Donatella Versace 's low profile has helped her remain largely unknown. Because she doesn't jump out of airplanes or traipse around Africa with bundles of cash. She says simply, "I'm an honest businesswoman."



Duncan Chang

Bus Art (side post)

Duncan Chang